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Midi Notes and Frequencies

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:51 am
by Krishnaku

I was wondering if you might be help me with a bit of confusion with the mapping between MIDI notes and frequencies on the i2m. According to a few midi note charts I have seen ( the low E note on a guitar is E2 at 82.4Hz. However, when i2m converts this it is showing up as E1 in the Logic event stream. The odd thing is it sounds identical to the E1 note I get on the GarageBand keyboard on iPad as well. Looking at the frequency peaks in the audio analyzer, the frequency of the audio note is 82Hz.

So I am puzzled: why does i2m and GarageBand for iPad both call this the E1 note while the midi charts call this the E2 note? It seems like this is mapping notes one octave below what I thought was the "Standard" mapping (440Hz is mapping to A3 for example, and I thought it was supposed to be A4 by convention).

Any help is much appreciated.


Re: Midi Notes and Frequencies

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:24 am
by james
You are correct, there is some confusion.

The i2M follows the most common standard, so 82.4Hz is an E2, midi note 40.

From Wikipedia: " In MIDI, Middle C is note number 60." (

But some manufactureres (particularly when MIDI was first created) uses different not values for middle C (e.g., 72).

It might be that Logic is using a different convention -- though I didn't think it did.

Is the i2M transposing notes? Check you don't have transpose on and it's sending a note one octave lower than you expect.