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Continuous note tracking

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 8:49 pm
by theriex
I'm a new i2M owner and fretless bass player trying to realize my dream of having a synth track continuously. Like sliding from one note up to another over an octave above and having the synth follow smoothly.

The pitch bend semitone 3 octave range seemed like it would be more than adequate, so I was totally looking forward to this, but unfortunately I can't change the range on some of the synths I use. So with the pitch bend range set to 2 octaves, I slide up an octave and the synth slides up a semitone or whatever. Not helpful. Even in the best case, given the fixed 2 or 5 semitone range on some of these synths, I can't slide too far before getting an abrupt jump to the next note.

Since the i2M already knows what note I'm playing, and how much I'm off by, if I could simply tell the i2M what the pitch bend range of the synth is, then the i2M should be able to output exactly the note+bend MIDI info needed to reproduce the appropriate frequency on the synth. If I'm not missing something, it seems like that would allow for tracking pitch continuously.

Any chance of making this continuous pitch tracking a reality? I'm probably not the only fretless bassist with this dream, and there's probably a string bending whammy bar guitarist or two who might also appreciate it. I only ask because with the wonderful future proofness built into this thing, and with you folks representing the vanguard of plain instrument midification, this seems doable. If I can be of any help, let me know. If I've missed something basic, definitely let me know. Thanks!

Re: Continuous note tracking

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:01 pm
by james
I think the i2M does as you suggest: if you set the i2M pitch-bend range to match the synth, it will adjust the note and pitch-bend to match.

However, this only sounds continuous if the synth patch has no attack (and maybe no release). Otherwise when you get a note-on / note-off / note-on sequence you will hear the note retrigger instead of a smooth transition between the notes... even then some transition between notes will be audible.

To prevent gaps between notes (assuming your synth has a suitable patch) use "note extend" (MIDI Zone page). This will extend notes to fill any gaps. If your synth is set to mono legato mode you should get a seamless transition between the notes.

Also to make sure the i2M doesn't trigger new notes when it could bend it instead, turn off legato detection on the i2M editor for the preset you are using.