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How to make it work i2M

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 11:08 pm
by gsbenghe
I bought an i2M a few days ago,and...can not use him!
I tried on three computers:
1.Intel Pentium,64 bit...the software and ASIO driver can not install(I explained this in a previous post)
2. and 3.= AMD on 32 bit,all is ok,the software and the ASIO is installed but...I could not turn any guitar or electric violin sounds in midi!
I have not seen or read anywhere how to use the midi editing software!
Please help!
P.S.For several years i edited midi with a EMU Xboard controller and the software Proteus,easy,but i am violin player and,when I saw the Sonuus advertisement films on You Tube I was excited by the idea!SO!
Please help.
P.S.2 I tried to use i2M in the EMU Proteus software,the i2M is listed but...nothing happens.I also tried in Ableton Live7,Fruitty Loops9...nothing.What else I could do for use the i2M?!
I have not big claims but at least i2M musicport Desktop Editor Software I want to work just like in the movies!
Thanks in advance for answers.GS.

Re: How to make it work i2M

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:59 am
by james
First, check that the i2M is working correctly.

When you connect the i2M to the computer, does the sonuus logo change from red to green or orange? This means it has connected with the computer. If it stays red, it is not connecting. If it doesn't light up it means it hasn't been powered (or the light is broken).

Install MIDIOX ( it's a very useful tool to investigate MIDI problems. To use it, first connect the i2M then run MIDIOX (if you run MIDIOX first then connect the i2M, MIDIOX won't find it). Go to the menu "Options | MIDI Device" and you should see the i2M MIDI device. Select this and you can them view the MIDI data coming from the i2M.

The MIDI editing software (the i2M musicport Desktop Editor) has a pdf manual included. You can also download this from our web site. This explains how to use the application and configure MIDI.

Try these steps first and check to see if you can get MIDI shown on MIDIOX, then get back to us.